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Welcome to
Spero Counseling

Therapy Without Boarders

Trauma creates change you don’t choose. Healing is about creating

the change you do choose,” - Michelle Rosenthal

What We Offer

Hello, we are Spero Counseling

Trauma-Informed Therapists

Our practice is focused on delivering EMDR, Brainspotting, and RO DBT classes (online or in-person) for those with a history of trauma for individuals, couples, families, and groups. In addition, our providers are dedicated to bringing therapy services to people who have a busy schedule or transportation problems.

Therapy Office

Why Choose Spero Providers

Online EMDR Therapy

Besides being the pioneers utilizing EMDR online, we also have our own software. We looking for updated tools for our clients and being up to date on the last resources and Mhealth. Learn more


We use the Unyte app to facilitate grounding exercises for clients who are under complex trauma treatment.

RO DBT Classes for couples

Have you ever considered working on your relationship in a group setting? You do not have to be on the verge of a divorce to come and benefit from couple's therapy. Learn more


Our trainers are experienced practitioners, which makes us different from other providers—we partnerships other trainers to bring out-of-the-box knowledge to your everyday practice or organization. Go to the next training.

Upcoming Trainings, classes, resources




Tucson, Arizona/ Seattle, Washington



7am - 4pm

Our highly qualified, specialized therapists provide telemental health services for individuals and couples with a hectic schedule and little time to drive to or from an office. Each therapist is specialized (used twice, many specifically trained through many hours) in trauma-informed care and multicultural approach. In addition, we were the first practice dedicated to offering EDMR online in Arizona and overseas.

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© 2021 by Spero Counseling. 

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