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EMDR for Couples




2 days


About the Course

EMDR for Couples
Live Webinar

This course is for those who have patients with anxiety symptoms and work with EMDR.
Dr. Tina Zampieri presents theoretical fundamentals, however, it is more directed to the practice, for application of the game My Family, the game of the whiteboard of the collection "The Family I Inhabit", of her authorship. Adapted for online service, the author presents details, demonstration, and examples of application, procedures, and organization of treatment with this fantastic game, applied to the treatment of chronic anxiety and comorbid symptoms of anxiety

Your Instructor

Dr. Tina Zampieri

Dr. Maria Aparecida Junqueira Zampieri Ph.D. (Dr. Tina) is a Psychologist, Trainer, Approved Consultant, and Vice President of the Brazilian EMDR. She is also trained in Brainspotting and Crisis Disaster Intervention. In addition, Dr. Tina facilitates advanced Courses in EMDR & FAM and EMDR Research and is a creator of the EMDR Safety Platform for Dissociation.
Her mental health practice focuses on treating complex trauma of adults, adolescents, and children with a history of dissociative disorders, depression, anxiety, and other mental health needs.
She is the author of a book with therapy games in English and many books in Portuguese including, "If I love too much I don't! Treating Dissociation in depression and codependency using EMDR and Psychodrama in family therapy", " Achievements in Psychotherapy II - New Developments in EMDR Therapy (Chapters: EMDR & Research: Desensitization Protocol and Preparation for Scientific Writing and Safety Platform: Protocol for Treatment of Complex Traumas)." She is also the author of many scientific research papers and coordinated volunteer projects for people during natural disasters and during the pandemic crisis in Brazil.
She is currently a professor /supervisor at UNORP (University Center North Paulista) and director of teaching and research /supervisor /peer-reviewing - Ciclo de Mutação. She has experience in Psychology, with an emphasis on treatment, Consulting, and Psychological Prevention, acting on the following topics: EMDR, family, psychodrama, intervention, and research.

Dr. Tina Zampieri


Tucson, Arizona/ Seattle, Washington



7am - 4pm

Our highly qualified, specialized therapists provide telemental health services for individuals and couples with a hectic schedule and little time to drive to or from an office. Each therapist is specialized (used twice, many specifically trained through many hours) in trauma-informed care and multicultural approach. In addition, we were the first practice dedicated to offering EDMR online in Arizona and overseas.

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